Received a Demand Letter or been Sued by Joe Hand Promotions?

If You Have Been Sued by Joe Hand Promotions Do Not Ignore the Letter, FIGHT BACK!

If you are a bar or nightclub owner and you got a nasty letter from Joe Hand Promotions saying you owe them big money for illegally showing the UFC 229: Khabib vs. McGregor fight, any UFC fight, or any other pay-per-view event then DO NOT IGNORE THE LETTER –  THEY WILL SUE YOU!

Even if You Showed the Fight Innocently You May Still be in Trouble

Most likely you showed or televised this fight thinking you paid the proper fees to do so; however, if you are a commercial establishment and you showed an event to your patrons, you have to pay Joe Hand a special licensing fee.  If you fail to do this you may be in violation of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 553 or 605).  This law provides strict liability against you (meaning the plaintiff does not have to show an intentional violation) if, by satellite transmission or the use of a cable system, if you show a closed-circuit event without proper authorization from the owner (Joe Hand Promotions).

Joe Hand uses Investigators

On fight nights, Joe Hand will send out an “auditor,” or private investigator, to how many televisions you have, which ones are showing the fight, how many customers you have, and what you are charging for food or drinks.  Joe Hand will try and use this against you.

Joe Hand Will Try and Foreclose Against Your Bar or Restaurant

They will then send you a demand letter asking for an outrageous amount of money.  If you ignore it, they will sue you and try and take a judgment against you.  They may very well be successful.  After they obtain the judgment they will attempt to levy on your bar or restaurant and you may lose your bar or restaurant. Don’t let this happen.

The Rutherford Law Firm Successfully Defends These Claims

Our firm has handled a number of these cases in the San Antonio area and throughout Texas.  There are good defenses to these claims and judges will listen to them but you will need a lawyer to defend you.  Call The Rutherford Law Firm immediately at 210-225-4200 if you have received a letter from The Law Offices of Thomas P. Riley, the Korn Diaz Firm, or any other law firm on behalf of Joe Hand Promotions.